Oil Paintings
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Fine Art oil paintings on canvas in various styles from photorealism to postmodernist pataphysics.
Postmodern pastiche of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's second Pre-Raphaelite painting.
Part of the “Oil Paintings” Gallery By LymnerKernow
Anamorphic study of portion of Leonardo's Virgin on the Rocks
Part of the “Oil Paintings” Gallery By LymnerKernow
Heraclitean vrs Pythagorean surrealist daydream.
Part of the “Oil Paintings” Gallery By LymnerKernow
A postmodern photopopcollage hand rendered in oils with imagery extracted from the coffee table.
Part of the “Oil Paintings” Gallery By LymnerKernow
Postmodernist pseudoclassical composition oil on canvas sold to an Italian collector in 2015.
Part of the “Oil Paintings” Gallery By LymnerKernow