Artist Profile for Sean Wymondham
Sean Part Time Professional
Sean trained in art and illustration at Ipswich Art School and Ruskin University, Cambridge, and established a strong foundation in academic drawing and painting. However, work during his degree was mostly expressionist in style, inspired by such artists as the German Expressionists Nolde and Beckmann. After leading his degree show he married, trained to be a teacher, and had three beautiful daughters before finding time and space to return to his artwork. He now shares time painting with raising his daughters. The face, flesh and figure represent the ultimate facades for the inner self and have been the main subject of his personal body of work. Sean believes the human frame, is a broken and mortal carrier of something eternal, that it carries distinct and personal reflections of the divine. In this balance of light and dark, spirit and blood, Sean reaches out for the beautiful in the broken. “Every beauty which is seen here by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come.” Michelangelo
- Oil
- Mixed Media
- Acrylic
- Multiple Portrait
- Abstract
- Human Figures
- Pet Portraits
- Human & Animal Portrait
- Not Listed
- Single Portrait
- Still Life
- Impressionism
- Expressionism
- Semi Abstract
- Other
- Realism
- Will work from a photo
- Only Ships within the UK
- Ships 'Artwork for Sale' within 7 Days
- Prices from £120 to £999